TypeScript | ELbuild


TypeScript is an open source programming language designed by Microsoft. It consists of a superset of JavaScript that bases its characteristics on ECMAScript 6 and adds support for static type checking and other features designed to implement complex and structured applications.

How does TypeScript work?

TypeScript allows you to create robust and portable JavaScript applications.

During compile time, the code written in TypeScript is transformed by the compiler into a standard JavaScript application that can be run on any engine. This allows TypeScript to be used in different fields and on different platforms.

Advantages of TypeScript

A valuable ally for the creation of user interfaces

The use of TypeScript as a frontend language brings countless advantages, mainly regarding the robustness and maintainability of the code. The typification and static checks at compile time reduce possible errors; the code written with TypeScript is better structured, and it's easier to perform updates and refactoring, making the project much more flexible. Finally, the greater integration with development environments (IDEs) and the availability of additional plugins make the task of writing the code faster.

When do we use TypeScript?

Angular, Vue and TypeScript

The choice of TypeScript is almost obligatory when creating complex and structured user interfaces, which evolve over time. We use this language in almost all of our frontend projects and, in particular, together with the Angular and Vue frameworks.