IoT and Bluetooth Low Energy | ELbuild

IoT and Bluetooth Low Energy

New energy-efficient and widely used communication protocols, together with new smart devices, are opening up possibilities that were unimaginable until a few years ago. Now you can develop immersive software solutions that leverage the synergy between hardware and sensor technology to offer interactive and multichannel user experiences.

BLE is an efficient, reliable and widely used protocol.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a low-power wireless communication technology that can be used over short distances to enable communication between smart devices.

BLE is a relatively new Bluetooth standard defined by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) with a focus on low energy. The device has enabled manufacturers to add a low-power communication interface to existing solutions. It's also been used to create new low power devices such as beacons that can be powered by a small coin cell battery for months or even years.

BLE features a wide range of possibilities and is implemented in a broad set of fields such as health, fitness, security, home automation, home entertainment, smart industry and IoT (Internet of Things). It's also close at hand in the smartphones and laptops that we use every day.

Apple was an early adopter of BLE in smartphones with the release of the iPhone 4S in 2011. Today, the majority of Android and iOS devices on the market incorporate BLE for communication and interaction with other devices. The ubiquity of smartphones has enabled the rapid adoption of BLE and provides device manufacturers with access to a worldwide BLE user base.

Internet of Things, software solutions integrated into the real world

Learn how to develop new products and platforms that leverage the power of BLE to deliver new features, customised mobile applications, and interactive experiences.

In recent years, device manufacturers have been adding BLE interfaces to enhance and augment product user experiences. As devices become smarter, the data they hold increases in volume, as well as in terms of information content and correlation. At ELbuild, we've integrated the most varied devices such as pellet stoves, access control, safes, and commercial devices for fitness and leisure; the potential is enormous.

Are you manufacturing a product that could benefit from a simple, energy-efficient and well-supported way to connect smartphone users? Are you developing a retail experience that can differentiate itself from proximity-based app interactions? Are you creating an industrial IoT solution that could benefit from low power, short-range connectivity? If you're looking for assistance in the development of customised solutions in these areas, we'd love a chance to chat with you!

Hardware prototyping and production consulting services

Before investing significant amounts in the production and certification of hardware products, it's often advisable to validate its feasibility by means of a prototype.

Cases occur where a sensor or a device that is not designed for a BLE or, in any case, a known interface must be integrated into a system. ELbuild is able to assist you in selecting sensors and designing and building prototypes, both based on COTS boards (Arduino or similar) and on PCBs and standard components. ELbuild is not structured to carry out the production phase but collaborates with companies that do just that and can act as an intermediary or simply establish a contact.